The vec_fmt_fraction() function

Let’s create a numeric vector for the next few examples:

num_vals <- c(0.0052, 0.08, 0, -0.535, NA)

Using vec_fmt_fraction() will create a character vector of fractions. Any NA values will render as "NA". The rendering context will be autodetected unless specified in the output argument (here, it is of the "plain" output type).

[1] "0"    "1/9"  "0"    "−5/9" "NA"  
#> [1] "0" "1/9" "0" "-5/9" "NA"

There are many options for formatting as fractions. If you’d like a higher degree of accuracy in the computation of fractions we can supply the "med" or "high" keywords to the accuracy argument:

vec_fmt_fraction(num_vals, accuracy = "high")
[1] "1/200"    "2/25"     "0"        "−107/200" "NA"      
#> [1] "1/200" "2/25" "0" "-107/200" "NA"

As a last example, one can wrap the values in a pattern with the pattern argument. Note here that NA values won’t have the pattern applied.

vec_fmt_fraction(num_vals, accuracy = 8, pattern = "[{x}]")
[1] "[0]"    "[1/8]"  "[0]"    "[−1/2]" "NA"    
#> [1] "[0]" "[1/8]" "[0]" "[-1/2]" "NA"