The fmt_integer() function

For this example, we’ll use two columns from the exibble dataset and create a simple gt table. With fmt_integer(), we’ll format the num column as integer values having no digit separators (with the use_seps = FALSE option).

exibble |>
  dplyr::select(num, char) |>
  gt() |>
  fmt_integer(use_seps = FALSE)
num char
0 apricot
2 banana
33 coconut
444 durian
5550 NA
NA fig
777000 grapefruit
8880000 honeydew

Let’s use a modified version of the countrypops dataset to create a gt table with row labels. We will format all numeric columns with fmt_integer() and scale all values by 1 / 1E6, giving us integer values representing millions of people. We can make clear what the values represent with an informative spanner label via tab_spanner().

countrypops |>
  dplyr::select(country_code_3, year, population) |>
  dplyr::filter(country_code_3 %in% c("CHN", "IND", "USA", "PAK", "IDN")) |>
  dplyr::filter(year > 1975 & year %% 5 == 0) |>
  tidyr::spread(year, population) |>
  dplyr::arrange(desc(`2015`)) |>
  gt(rowname_col = "country_code_3") |>
  fmt_integer(scale_by = 1 / 1E6) |>
  tab_spanner(label = "Millions of People", columns = everything())
Millions of People
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
CHN 981 1,051 1,135 1,205 1,263 1,304 1,338 1,380 1,411
IND 697 780 870 964 1,060 1,155 1,241 1,323 1,396
USA 227 238 250 266 282 296 309 321 332
IDN 148 166 182 198 214 229 244 259 272
PAK 81 97 115 133 154 174 194 211 227

Using a subset of the towny dataset, we can do interesting things with integer values. Through cols_add() we’ll add the difference column (which calculates the difference between 2021 and 2001 populations). All numeric values will be formatted with a first pass of fmt_integer(); a second pass of fmt_integer() focuses on the difference column and here we use the force_sign = TRUE option to draw attention to positive and negative difference values.

towny |>
  dplyr::select(name, population_2001, population_2021) |>
  dplyr::slice_tail(n = 10) |>
  gt() |>
  cols_add(difference = population_2021 - population_2001) |>
  fmt_integer() |>
  fmt_integer(columns = difference, force_sign = TRUE) |>
  cols_label_with(fn = function(x) gsub("population_", "", x)) |>
    style = cell_fill(color = "gray90"),
    locations = cells_body(columns = difference)
name 2001 2021 difference
Whitchurch-Stouffville 22,859 49,864 +27,005
White River 993 557 −436
Whitestone 853 1,075 +222
Whitewater 6,520 7,225 +705
Wilmot 14,866 21,429 +6,563
Windsor 208,402 229,660 +21,258
Wollaston 679 721 +42
Woodstock 33,061 46,705 +13,644
Woolwich 18,201 26,999 +8,798
Zorra 8,052 8,628 +576