The summary_rows() function

Use a modified version of sp500 dataset to create a gt table with row groups and row labels. Create the summary rows labeled min, max, and avg by row group (where each each row group is a week number) with summary_rows().

sp500 |>
  dplyr::filter(date >= "2015-01-05" & date <= "2015-01-16") |>
  dplyr::arrange(date) |>
  dplyr::mutate(week = paste0("W", strftime(date, format = "%V"))) |>
  dplyr::select(-adj_close, -volume) |>
    rowname_col = "date",
    groupname_col = "week"
  ) |>
    fns = list(
      list(label = "avg", fn = "mean")
    fmt = ~ fmt_number(., use_seps = FALSE)
open high low close
2015-01-05 2054.44 2054.44 2017.34 2020.58
2015-01-06 2022.15 2030.25 1992.44 2002.61
2015-01-07 2005.55 2029.61 2005.55 2025.90
2015-01-08 2030.61 2064.08 2030.61 2062.14
2015-01-09 2063.45 2064.43 2038.33 2044.81
min 2005.55 2029.61 1992.44 2002.61
max 2063.45 2064.43 2038.33 2062.14
avg 2035.24 2048.56 2016.85 2031.21
2015-01-12 2046.13 2049.30 2022.58 2028.26
2015-01-13 2031.58 2056.93 2008.25 2023.03
2015-01-14 2018.40 2018.40 1988.44 2011.27
2015-01-15 2013.75 2021.35 1991.47 1992.67
2015-01-16 1992.25 2020.46 1988.12 2019.42
min 1992.25 2018.40 1988.12 1992.67
max 2046.13 2056.93 2022.58 2028.26
avg 2020.42 2033.29 1999.77 2014.93

Using the countrypops dataset, let’s process that a bit before giving it to gt. We can create a summary rows with totals that appear at the top of each row group (with side = "top"). We can define the aggregation with a list that contains parameters for the summary row label (md("**ALL**")), the shared ID value of those rows across groups ("totals"), and the aggregation function (expressed as "sum", which gt recognizes as the sum() function). To top it all off, we’ll add background fills to the summary rows with tab_style().

countrypops |>
    country_code_2 %in% c("BR", "RU", "IN", "CN", "FR", "DE", "IT", "GB")
  ) |>
  dplyr::filter(year %% 10 == 0) |>
  dplyr::select(country_name, year, population) |>
  tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = year, values_from = population) |>
  gt(rowname_col = "country_name") |>
    label = md("*BRIC*"),
    rows = c("Brazil", "Russia", "India", "China"),
    id = "bric"
  ) |>
    label = md("*Big Four*"),
    rows = c("France", "Germany", "Italy", "United Kingdom"),
    id = "big4"
  ) |>
  row_group_order(groups = c("bric", "big4")) |>
  tab_stub_indent(rows = everything()) |>
  tab_header(title = "Populations of the BRIC and Big Four Countries") |>
  tab_spanner(columns = everything(), label = "Year") |>
  fmt_number(n_sigfig = 3, suffixing = TRUE) |>
    fns =  list(label = md("**ALL**"), id = "totals", fn = "sum"),
    fmt = ~ fmt_number(., n_sigfig = 3, suffixing = TRUE),
    side = "top"
  ) |>
    locations = cells_summary(),
    style = cell_fill(color = "lightblue" |> adjust_luminance(steps = +1))
Populations of the BRIC and Big Four Countries
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
ALL 1.31B 1.60B 1.94B 2.30B 2.64B 2.92B 3.16B
Brazil 73.1M 96.4M 122M 151M 176M 196M 213M
China 667M 818M 981M 1.14B 1.26B 1.34B 1.41B
India 446M 558M 697M 870M 1.06B 1.24B 1.40B
Russia 120M 130M 139M 148M 147M 143M 144M
Big Four
ALL 222M 239M 246M 251M 259M 269M 277M
Germany 72.8M 78.2M 78.3M 79.4M 82.2M 81.8M 83.2M
France 46.6M 51.7M 55.1M 58.0M 60.9M 65.0M 67.6M
United Kingdom 52.4M 55.7M 56.3M 57.2M 58.9M 62.8M 67.1M
Italy 50.2M 53.8M 56.4M 56.7M 56.9M 59.3M 59.4M