The gtsave() function

Using a small subset of the gtcars dataset, we can create a gt table with row labels. We’ll add a stubhead label with the tab_stubhead() function to describe what is in the stub.

tab_1 <-
  gtcars |>
  dplyr::select(model, year, hp, trq) |>
  dplyr::slice(1:5) |>
  gt(rowname_col = "model") |>
  tab_stubhead(label = "car")

Export the gt table to an HTML file with inlined CSS (which is necessary for including the table as part of an HTML email) using gtsave() and the inline_css = TRUE option.

tab_1 |> gtsave(filename = "tab_1.html", inline_css = TRUE)

By leaving out the inline_css option, we get a more conventional HTML file with embedded CSS styles.

tab_1 |> gtsave(filename = "tab_1.html")

Saving as a PNG file results in a cropped image of an HTML table. The amount of whitespace can be set with the expand option.

tab_1 |> gtsave("tab_1.png", expand = 10)

Any use of the .tex, .ltx, or .rnw will result in the output of a LaTeX document.

tab_1 |> gtsave("tab_1.tex")

With the .rtf extension, we’ll get an RTF document.

tab_1 |> gtsave("tab_1.rtf")

With the .docx extension, we’ll get a word/docx document.

tab_1 |> gtsave("tab_1.docx")