The fmt_spelled_num() function

Let’s use a summarized version of the gtcars dataset to create a gt table. fmt_spelled_num() is used to transform integer values into spelled-out numbering (in the n column). That formatted column of numbers-as-words is given cell background colors via data_color() (the underlying numerical values are always available).

gtcars |>
  dplyr::count(mfr, ctry_origin) |>
  dplyr::arrange(ctry_origin) |>
  gt(rowname_col = "mfr", groupname_col = "ctry_origin") |>
  cols_label(n = "No. of Entries") |>
  fmt_spelled_num() |>
  tab_stub_indent(rows = everything(), indent = 2) |>
    columns = n,
    method = "numeric",
    palette = "viridis",
    alpha = 0.8
  ) |>
  opt_all_caps() |>
  opt_vertical_padding(scale = 0.5) |>
  cols_align(align = "center", columns = n)
No. of Entries
Audi five
BMW five
Mercedes-Benz two
Porsche four
Ferrari nine
Lamborghini three
Maserati three
Acura one
Nissan one
United Kingdom
Aston Martin four
Bentley one
Jaguar one
Lotus one
McLaren one
Rolls-Royce two
United States
Chevrolet one
Dodge one
Ford one
Tesla one

With a considerable amount of dplyr and tidyr work done to the pizzaplace dataset, we can create a new gt table. fmt_spelled_num() will be used here to transform the integer values in the rank column. We’ll do so with a special pattern that puts the word ‘Number’ in front of every spelled-out number.

pizzaplace |>
  dplyr::mutate(month = lubridate::month(date, label = TRUE)) |>
  dplyr::filter(month %in%[1:6]) |>
  dplyr::group_by(name, month) |>
  dplyr::summarize(sum = sum(price), .groups = "drop") |>
  dplyr::arrange(month, desc(sum)) |>
  dplyr::group_by(month) |>
  dplyr::slice_head(n = 5) |>
  dplyr::mutate(rank = dplyr::row_number()) |>
  dplyr::ungroup() |>
  dplyr::select(-sum) |>
  tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = month, values_from = c(name)) |>
  gt() |>
  fmt_spelled_num(columns = rank, pattern = "Number {x}") |>
  opt_all_caps() |>
  cols_align(columns = -rank, align = "center") |>
    rank ~ px(120),
    everything() ~ px(100)
  ) |>
  opt_table_font(stack = "rounded-sans") |>
  tab_options(table.font.size = px(14))
rank Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Number one bbq_ckn cali_ckn bbq_ckn bbq_ckn bbq_ckn cali_ckn
Number two thai_ckn bbq_ckn thai_ckn thai_ckn cali_ckn thai_ckn
Number three cali_ckn thai_ckn cali_ckn classic_dlx thai_ckn bbq_ckn
Number four pepperoni southw_ckn spicy_ital southw_ckn classic_dlx classic_dlx
Number five sicilian four_cheese classic_dlx cali_ckn spicy_ital spicy_ital

Let’s make a table that compares how the numbers from 1 to 10 are spelled across a small selection of languages. Here we use fmt_spelled_num() with each column, ensuring that the locale value matches that of the column name.

  num = 1:10,
  en = num,
  fr = num,
  de = num,
  es = num,
  pl = num,
  bg = num,
  ko = num,
  zh = num
) |>
  gt(rowname_col = "num") |>
  fmt_spelled_num(columns = en, locale = "en") |>
  fmt_spelled_num(columns = fr, locale = "fr") |>
  fmt_spelled_num(columns = de, locale = "de") |>
  fmt_spelled_num(columns = es, locale = "es") |>
  fmt_spelled_num(columns = pl, locale = "pl") |>
  fmt_spelled_num(columns = bg, locale = "bg") |>
  fmt_spelled_num(columns = ko, locale = "ko") |>
  fmt_spelled_num(columns = zh, locale = "zh") |>
  cols_label_with(fn = function(x) md(paste0("`", x, "`"))) |>
    label = "Numbers in the specified locale",
    columns = everything()
  ) |>
  cols_align(align = "left", columns = everything()) |>
    c(en, fr, de, es, pl, bg) ~ px(100),
    c(ko, zh) ~ px(50)
  ) |>
  opt_horizontal_padding(scale = 2) |>
  opt_vertical_padding(scale = 0.5)
Numbers in the specified locale
en fr de es pl bg ko zh
1 one un eins uno jedno едно
2 two deux zwei dos dwa две
3 three trois drei tres trzy три
4 four quatre vier cuatro cztery четири
5 five cinq fünf cinco pięć пет
6 six six sechs seis sześć шест
7 seven sept sieben siete siedem седем
8 eight huit acht ocho osiem осем
9 nine neuf neun nueve dziewięć девет
10 ten dix zehn diez dziesięć десет